I know that you’d expect this sort of post before Christmas, but to me, its in the first few months of the year when that it gets really cold and snowy that I want these sort of home comforts a lot more. Most important on my list would be a soft cotton robe* and cashmere…
Hide the Credit Card: Paperchase Cupcakes
I know, I know. I’m an enabler. Even if you don’t live near a Paperchase (lucky bastards), you can still succumb to the lovelyness, as they currently sell things via Amazon. (Paperchase have a new site coming in September, but I’m impatient and want to make you buy things now. I’m totally doing an evil…
The Girl recently commented on my Filofax post with: “You have Paperchase by your office? Hello my name is jealous” And yes, when I didn’t work near a Paperchase, I’d have thought it was the greatest thing ever (the nearest ones being in House of Fraser which back in t’day (ok…two years ago) weren’t open…