I’ve blogged before about high street tall ranges. I didn’t realise it was a situation that could get worse, but somehow, it has. I’m not an especially tall person. Most of my friends are a similar height or taller than me and yet more and more stores are losing their longer length items. I asked…
Cabot Circus Fashion Weekender – SS11 Trends
So as I mentioned in the most uncasual way ever on Saturday, I was invited to view the Cabot Circus fashion weekender fashion show and then blog from the backstage area. I thought I’d give you a bit of a recap of what was actually shown at the show – after seeing the different outfits,…
Cabot Circus Fashion Weekender
Can you believe that Cabot Circus is 2 years old already? (Well, actually, yes I can, but thats because I moved here 2 years ago. Hush, you know what I mean) It seems like only last month that Julian, Ally and I visited for the first time. To celebrate their second birthday, Cabot Circus are…