I love love love winter coats. You’re going to be wearing this for at least half of the year – you need to find one that’s perfect for you. If I could, I would have lots of coats in all different colours – although from my selection below, you can probably guess that they’ll all…
Perfect Party Dress (part 1 of eleventy billion)
Who says that a party dress has to be encrusted in sequins? I’d rather have this “Kettle Corn Dress” in “sunset” by Emily and Fin from Modcloth any day. I think I’d wear this with a few petticoats underneath, a la Isla Fisher in Confessions of a Shopaholic – except instead of the multi colours,…
I love anything that encourages people to get involved with raising money for a charity, especially if its a cancer charity. (What can I say, I’m very biased). You probably know at least one bloke who is doing Movember this year, where men are sponsored to grow a tashe, and raise money for mens health,…
Hide the Credit Card: ModCloth
As many of my friends would tell you, I love old fashioned fashions. I also adore dressing up. So when a newsletter from modcloth.com appeared, collecting lots of things under the banner Vintage Wedding Style, I squealed in excitement. Here are a few of my choices of dresses that I wish I could wear every…
Birthdays and Wishlists
Ooooh, its nearly my birthday. I’ll be 26 next month, and looking back at my list from last year, not that much has changed. I did get my iPhone (and how did I survive without it? Oh Apple, I bloody well love you) and I ended up buying the beautiful PPQ dress for Lou and…