A brand that I hadn’t heard much of before visiting California, Kate Spade is one of my favourites that I can’t indulge in easily. In the UK, we can’t order from their website, and we only have two stores, both (of course!) in London. That doesn’t stop me making endless wishlists of course. These bangles…
Choosing One Is Hard
…iPad case that is. As I may have mentioned once or twice (or pretty much every day – #ipadwanker) the boyfriend bought me an iPad for my birthday. I stole….er, borrowed his Apple iPad case (well, he wasn’t using it!) He’d been tucking his iPad into his work notebook until I nicked his case, then…
Dear Santa…
…I’ve been *really* good this year. So if you could just have a peep at my Polyvore made shopping list, that would be ace. Ta. x xmas list by ceriselle