I love love love winter coats. You’re going to be wearing this for at least half of the year – you need to find one that’s perfect for you. If I could, I would have lots of coats in all different colours – although from my selection below, you can probably guess that they’ll all…
dorothy perkins
Just A Short Stroll…
Its been a while since I did an outfit post (or a post of any sort…) Dress: Dorothy Perkins | Underskirt: eBay | Socks: eBay | Apron: Amazon (I really hope my purchase history isn’t used for anything, since this was called a sexy French maid apron…) | Trainers: Underused Nike’s Yeah, so its not…
HtCC – Wet Weather Necessities
If your Twitter time line is anything like mine, this week, all you’ll have read is “OMG ITS RAINING AGAIN” or “LOL LOL LOL HOW CAN WE STILL BE IN A DROUGHT LOOK AT THE RAIN” (Don’t understand how we can be in the wettest drought? This article from Channel 4 explains it). I’ve actually…
Burn So Bright
Um, so this is an overdue outfit post with something I’ve probably worn before on the blog. *shrug* Top (“dress”): Dorothy Perkins | Leggings: ASOS | Shoes: Primark | Handbag: Mulberry (with a Hobbs scarf) I don’t have the hugest wardrobe, and this was a panicked wardrobe pick because despite getting up in plenty of…
Stand Tall
I’ve blogged before about high street tall ranges. I didn’t realise it was a situation that could get worse, but somehow, it has. I’m not an especially tall person. Most of my friends are a similar height or taller than me and yet more and more stores are losing their longer length items. I asked…