So, my 6th Race for Life, and my second 10k. When I signed up for it, I had high hopes that I would be able to – well, not run all the way, but at least complete the race in a reasonable time. I am definitely a lot fitter than I was last year and I was training at least 5 days a week on my cross trainer.
But things never go to plan, do they? About a month before the race, I started having twinges in my back – nothing serious at first, but by the end of that week, I couldn’t even walk properly or sit down at work. I ended up taking a week off work, lying on the floor most of the time which was a pretty miserable week. I would take enough pain killers so I could sit up for a few hours and crank out a few BB posts, then retreat to the floor to watch TV. A few doctors visits later, and I have painkillers that make me queasy and forgetful, but at least I can walk now.
Anyway. Excuses out the way. The day of the race came, and after buying two pairs of shorts (because I left one on the bus the night before the race – see, forgetful), I headed up to the Downs and took part in the 10k on one of the hottest days of the year. I was also wearing a Github Pinktocat which raises money for Breast Cancer Awareness in the US (thanks Alex!) and some pretty gloriously flourescent trainers which I’ll talk about a bit more later.
I jogged for the first few kilometers, but around 2.5km, I started to get a pain in my back. I had a stash of painkillers in my pouch, so took a dose and carried on, a little bit slower. Unfortunatly by around 4km, the pain was just getting too much and I ended up (speed) walking the rest of the way. I was so gutted that I couldn’t manage the whole race but I managed to complete it in about 1hr 20mins.
A few months ago, I had a very kind email saying “We saw that you’re going to be doing Race for Life, would you like to review a pair of running shoes?” I had been thinking of buying a new pair for the race, but hadn’t gotten round to it, so this was perfectly timed. I chose the Nike Lady LunarGlide+ 4 because they have the Nike+ technology ability, and I already had the chip from my old pair of trainers. (I’ve already blogged about how digital metrics can help motivate me!) The trainers have been so comfortable and supportive, I hadn’t realised what bad shape my old pair were in!
My sponsor page is still open, so if you’d like to sponsor me, please head over to (and thank you!)
Well done Hayley! I know it wasn’t the time you wanted but it’s still awesome and still for a brilliant cause x