On Thursday, instead of going straight to work, I headed into Cabot Circus to meet up with Laura before heading to the press preview of Boux Avenue. I’ve known of Boux Avenue* for a while (and reviewed some items from there previously) and was excited to see the boarded up shop in the centre of Cabot Circus advertise it was to become a Boux. It’s strange to think that Boux Avenue is just over a year old, having been launched in spring 2011. The Bristol store is the 13th one to open, and there are many more planned in the next few months.
I loved Boux’s online store because of the sizing (from 30A – 40H, probably the widest range in a high street store), but the physical store is just so much better. The store is one that you’d want to look around for a while (not like other high street lingerie stores where the colours and style is one that puts you off going in, let alone staying in for a while!), and the staff not only seemed knowledgable about the products, but were friendly and approachable!
The founder of Boux Avenue, Theo Paphitis arrived about 11am to do some interviews with the press members and bloggers there – I was a little too shy to talk to him (and also, what exactly would I ask him? What his favourite cake was? How he had his tea? I mean, thats important stuff to know, but not relevant!) Laura and I nipped off at noon for a bit of lunch, and there was hardly anyone in Cabot – we thought the launch would be a bit quiet really! – but as you can see, by 1pm, there were masses of people (including La La from the Teletubbies…)
I’m so excited to have one of my favourite online stores have a physical presence in my nearest shopping centre…I know where my wages will be disappearing now!
The questions you mentioned above are faaar more logical and interested than those I asked Mr P!
I need to check this store out, especially if they do actually carry those sizes across all their ranges, as I find that’s quite a rarity – nothing worse than being made to feel like a weirdo because your boobs are over a certain size! Glad you guys had a fun morning : )
Hi Hayley,
Lovely blog post. I’m so glad that you enjoyed the opening day! I loved my trip to Bristol, and can’t wait to pop down again soon.
Lots of love,
Miss B x
p.s. Theo likes a nice cup of builder’s tea :)
I LOVE Boux Avenue, I really hope they open one up in Cheltenham soon!
Maria xxx