New Years. A time for getting together with some of your closest friends, and ending up in random places like a scout hut, hanging out of a window waving sparklers and Rowton. Except this year I’m all alone in Bristol, propped up on my bed and listening to Radio 1 as I drink raspberry Absolut […]
Archives for December 2008
New Years Resolutions
Yes, its that time of year again, when we all promise to do something and then 10 days later we forget about it. Last year, I don’t remember making many resolutions, but the main two I made (and did!) was “Move to Bristol” and “Quit My Job” (Really, I couldn’t have done the former without […]
What I Learned in Accounting Class
As someone who suffered through three years worth of Accounting classes (though thankfully not as many as my friends who took plain old A&F), this graph at GraphJam felt just a little too familiar Pointless fact: once upon a time I wanted to be an accountant. Mainly because they’re so damn sexy. Yeah, you know […]
Dear Santa…
…I’ve been *really* good this year. So if you could just have a peep at my Polyvore made shopping list, that would be ace. Ta. x xmas list by ceriselle
Life in BIS
Today my boss and I cleared out our storage cupboard. We were quite ruthless, and now I have 27 laptops to throw away (including a pretty enormous one made of grey plastic and has a 1.4gb hard drive. Its about three times the size and weight of my 3 year old iBook) This is what […]